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House Mice
House Mice are highly opportunistic eaters and invaders, consuming a wide range of materials including food, paper, fabric, and even grease particles. Their presence within a building structure can lead to food contamination, property damage, and potential health risks to humans and pets alike.

Wild Rabbits
Wild rabbits prefer to live in areas with short grasses, including natural grasslands and rural pastures. However, they are highly adaptive and have established wild populations in many different environments, including woodlands, deserts, coastal plains, subalpine areas and subtropical grasslands. They are also found in large numbers in and around urban and agricultural areas.

Bed bugs are small oval, wingless, blood-feeding insects that are rusty brown in colour. Ranging in length from 1 to 5mm, fully-grown adult bed bugs reach a similar size to that of an apple seed. This small size makes it perfect for them to hide in narrow cracks and crevices.

Fleas are small, wingless, external parasites. Brown in colour and oval in shape, fleas range from 2 to 4 mm in length. They have six, spiny legs, with powerful hind legs for jumping. Fleas are so powerful that they are able to jump more than 200 times their body length.

Silverfish are small, agile, fast-running, and wingless insects. They get their name from their silvery-grey colour and fish-like appearance.
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Berwick, Victoria, Australia
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